Sebastapol and Sacramento, CA
After a visit to the coast, the Redwoods, and the prior evening out in Santa Rosa, my sister and I spent Saturday afternoon and evening in her new hometown, Sebastapol. I'd never heard of Sebastapol until she said she was moving there. It's only about 90 minutes outside of San Francisco, and right in beautiful Sonoma County. While this town isn't well known, it felt like it was a "best kept secret" in Sonoma. Everyone is incredibly friendly, the surrounding area couldn't be more beautiful, and downtown has a charm that's very inviting. I completely understood why she wanted to live there.
In town, it was about 70ยบ and sunny, a perfect afternoon to visit some places in town. After our hikes, we enjoyed some ice cream at "Screaming Mimis." My sister sometimes pokes fun at me because I have trouble deciding what to order at places like this. When there are incredible options like they have, you have to choose wisely. I chose the Praline Pecan, if I spent too much time thinking about it I would have wanted 4 other scoops.
In town there is a beautiful outdoor market called "The Barlow." They have some nice coffee shops, restaurants, shops, wineries, and breweries. We sampled a flight of some of their beers and enjoyed live music for the afternoon.
Before checking out the rest of the town that evening, we went back to the vineyard to enjoy the sunset. Much different view from the foggy morning I woke up to, but just as peaceful in a different way.

The we went back into town for dinner went to "Woodfour Brewing". It is a small town so there aren't a ton of places to choose from, but they were all really good.
My sister had to work the following morning, and although my visit was brief, it was time for me to continue on. I went back to Sacramento for the afternoon to visit my friends before continuing on up the coast the following morning. We stopped at a couple of breweries Yolo Brewing Company and Jackrabbit Brewing, and got delicious BBQ at a place called "Tank House"
The following morning, I got on the road early, before sunrise. Next stop, Bend, Oregon.
In town, it was about 70ยบ and sunny, a perfect afternoon to visit some places in town. After our hikes, we enjoyed some ice cream at "Screaming Mimis." My sister sometimes pokes fun at me because I have trouble deciding what to order at places like this. When there are incredible options like they have, you have to choose wisely. I chose the Praline Pecan, if I spent too much time thinking about it I would have wanted 4 other scoops.
In town there is a beautiful outdoor market called "The Barlow." They have some nice coffee shops, restaurants, shops, wineries, and breweries. We sampled a flight of some of their beers and enjoyed live music for the afternoon.
Before checking out the rest of the town that evening, we went back to the vineyard to enjoy the sunset. Much different view from the foggy morning I woke up to, but just as peaceful in a different way.

The we went back into town for dinner went to "Woodfour Brewing". It is a small town so there aren't a ton of places to choose from, but they were all really good.
My sister had to work the following morning, and although my visit was brief, it was time for me to continue on. I went back to Sacramento for the afternoon to visit my friends before continuing on up the coast the following morning. We stopped at a couple of breweries Yolo Brewing Company and Jackrabbit Brewing, and got delicious BBQ at a place called "Tank House"
The following morning, I got on the road early, before sunrise. Next stop, Bend, Oregon.
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